Simpson Strong-Tie Deck Hardware

Simpson Strong-Tie is the world leader in structural product solutions–solutions that not only help our customers, but help make structures safer and stronger. The company is recognized as the genuine connector brand in the residential construction industry, and also for its ever-expanding offering of shearwalls, moment frames and fasteners. 

Building Codes Principles & Requirements

Decks are structures that need to be designed to meet minimum standards and resist certain loads. Like a house, or any other building, a deck must be designed to support the weight of people and objects placed on it, as well as lateral and uplift loads that can act on the deck as a result of occupant movement, wind or seismic activity. 
The construction of buildings and structures shall result in a system that provides a complete load path that meets the requirements for the transfer of loads from their point of origin through the load-resisting elements to the foundation
The concept of a complete or continuous load path refers to a series of solid connections and structural members within the deck that transfer load to the ground or adjacent supporting structure (commonly a building). This same principle is applied to the design of all types of wood frame buildings. This continuous load path is created by using a system of structural connectors and fasteners to connect the wood members together.

Simpson Strong-Tie Company Inc. structural connectors, anchors, and other products are designed and tested to provide specified design loads. To obtain optimal performance from Simpson Strong-Tie Company Inc. products and achieve maximal allowable design load, the products must be properly installed and used in accordance with the installation instructions and design limits provided by Simpson Strong-Tie Company Inc. 

Joist Hangers & Connectors
Beam-to-Post Assemblies & Connections
Post Bases & Footing attachment
Ledger Connections
Joist Hangers & Connectors

Simpson Strong-Tie Hangers & Hardware

Beam-to-Post Assemblies & Connections

Beam-to-Post Assemblies & Connection

Post Bases & Footing attachment

Post Bases & Footing attachment

$37.77 - $85.62
Simpson Strong-Tie Concealed Post Base
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$160.34 - $290.97
Simpson Strong-Tie Moment Post Base
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$34.61 - $238.42
Simpson Strong-Tie Ornamental Post Base
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Ledger Connections

Vertical Ledger Support

One of the most common causes for deck failure is ledgers that pull away from the primary structure, resulting in complete collapse.
The Simpson Strong-Tie® Strong-Drive® SDWS Timber, SDWS Timber SS and SDWH Timber-Hex structural wood screws provide an easy-to-install, high-strength alternative to lag screws and through-bolts. They are ideal for securely attaching ledgers to structural wood members, are easier to drive than comparable fasteners and are available in stainless steel or coated for many exterior and preservative-treated wood applications.
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