Bison Wood Tiles

Beauty, Longevity & Exceptional Value

Bison Wood Tiles offer the design flexibility to create versatile, unique outdoor spaces. Commercial grade, responsibly harvested, hardwood tiles are weather resistant and available in standard and FSC Certified species.

Bison Wood Tiles - Features & Specifictions

Bison Wood Tiles are made of dense hardwoods and are an ideal long-lasting, low maintenance decking solution, providing warmth, excellent weather resistance, and architectural charm to rooftop decks. Wood Tiles are commercial grade and available in standard and FSC Certified species. Wood species include Ipe, Cumaru, Massaranduba, Garapa, and Bamboo. Bison Wood Tiles are designed for use with Bison Pedestals. Bison Wood Tiles listed in this section are for use with pedestrian traffic only. Bison Wood Tiles are not designed to carry vehicular traffic or equipment, including but not limited to motorized snow removal equipment, window washing, scaffolding structures, ATV’s, forklifts, or any motorized vehicles.
Bison Wood Tiles are made of South American (Cumaru, Ipê, Garapa, and Massaranduba), and Chinese (Fused Bamboo) hardwoods which contain a rich variety of graining and coloration, are exceptionally dense, and resistant to insects. Bison Wood Tiles are a natural material and can absorb or lose moisture in different climates.
Bison Wood Tiles are made of hardwoods that will weather over time, developing a silvery-gray patina. In order to maintain the original coloring, Bison Wood Tiles can be periodically cleaned and sealed. Use deck products designed for hardwoods. Spot cleaning can be done, but for a consistent appearance, Bison recommends cleaning the entire deck. Most decks need to be cleaned after installation is complete.

Bison Wood Deck Tile Specifications

- Species Include: Bamboo, Cumaru, Garapa, Ipê, Mahogany, and Massaranduba.

- Exclusive Bison FS-1 Fastening Kit and Continuous Kerf Cut Design allows easy tile attachment, removal, and replacement (US Patent #8,302,356 and Patents Pending).

- Modular sizes 2’ x 2’, 4’ x 2’, 6’ x 2’, 8’ x 2’, and 30” x 30." Pedestals to be spaced on a 2’ grid for all Bison Wood Tile sizes (Bison 30" x 30" Wood Tiles installed on a 30" grid).

- Custom sizes available. 

- FSC Certified (SCS-COC-002585) species available.

- Full System Warranty available when installed with Bison Pedestals.

- Bison Ipê WoodTile Systems can meet: ASTM E108-07a Class A Spread of Flame, ASTM C1028-07 Slip Resistance, ASTM TAS108-95 Wind Uplift, and Seismic Design Categories (SDC) A-F

    Bison Wood Tile Products

    $99.77 - $295.63
    Bison FSC Wood Tiles
    Quick View
    $106.59 - $213.86
    Bison Wood Tiles CUMARU
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    $118.46 - $268.85
    Bison Wood Tiles IPE
    Quick View
    $786.38 - $1,111.72
    Bison Custom Size Wood Tiles IPE
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