LightTrim Semi Gloss Exterior Latex Paint 875 mL

LightTrim Semi Gloss Exterior Latex Paint 875 mL

LightTrim Semi Gloss Exterior Latex Paint 875 mL - Use to paint or to prime cut edges of fiber cement panels or boards. 100% Acrylique semigloss paint 875 ml.
Fiber cement paint. Top quality exterior paint for fiber cement siding and boards
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Exterior acrylic latex paint for surfaces of concrete, brick, stucco, masonry, asbestos-cement or prefinished siding. It can also be applied on painted or primed wood and metal. NOTE: On vinyl siding, do not use shades that are darker than the original as it could lead to warping. Do not use on roots or floors.

Surface must be clean and dry. Remove all dust, grease, rust, mildew, chalking, loose paint and other surface contamination with an appropriate cleaner. Wash mildew with household bleach. Rinse well. Loose paint: Scrape and sand loose paint and smooth edges. Lightly sand glossy or rough areas. Eliminate sanding dust. Precautions: Dry sanding will give rise to dust and/or hazardous fumes. Wet sanding should be used wherever possible. Wear suitable respiratory protective equipment when exposure cannot be avoided by adequate local ventilation. WARNING! If you scrape, sand, or remove old paint, you may release lead dust. LEAD IS TOXIC. Contact a regional Health Canada office for more information. Recommended primers: Concrete, brick, stucco, asbestos-cement, masonry: No primer required. In warm weather, wet the surface with water before applying the first coat only. Ferrous metal and rusted galvanized metal: Apply anti-rust coating. New galvanized metal: Apply a primer. Bare wood: Seal knots and sap streakd with shellac. Apply a primer. Some wood types prone to stains may require two coats of primer.

Do not thin. Stir thoroughly. By brush, roller or airless spray gun, generously apply between 10°C (50°F) and 32°C (90°F), provide adequate ventilation. Do not apply on hot or dewy surfaces or in direct sunlight. Apply one or two coats, as required; two coats for better durability and appearance. Drastic colour changes may require additional coats of paint. Spreading rate for 3.3 L: 46 to 56 square metres (500 to 600 sq. ft.). Spreading rate for 850 ml: 13 to 15 square metres (140 to 160 sq. ft.).Drying time before recoating: Minimum 2 to 4 hours depending on temperature, clour depht, relative humidity and ventilation. Cleanup: Clean tolls in soapy water immediately after use. Disposal: Consult your municipality about proper disposal procedure of residue in accordance with the laws and respect the environment. Do not empty into drains.

Suspected of causing cancer. Obtain special instructions before use. Do not handle util all safety precautions have been read and understood. Wear protective gloves. Wear eye or face protection. Wear protective clothing. IF exposed or concerned: Get medical attention. Store locked up. Dispose of contents and container in accordance with all local, regional, national or internaltion regulations. Supplemental label elements: Emit toxic fumes when heated. (First aid measures): Photosensitive agents: In case of accidental eye contact, avoid concurrent exposure to the sun or other sources of UV light wich may increase the sensitivity of the eyes. In case of accidental skin contact, avoid concurrent exposure to the sun or other sources of UV light wich may increase the sensitivity of skin. Percentage the mixture consisting of ingredient(s) of unknown toxicity: 25.9%.

Keep out of the reach of the children. Refer to safety data sheet.


Light Trim warrants performance of its products to irs intended use if properly applied in accordance with the label directions and the specifications of the technical data sheet. Having no control over the application methods and conditions or the circumstances related of its use, no other warranty, expressed or implied, statutorily or otherwise, is given. This limited warranty extends only the original purchaser of the product and is not transferable or assignable. If the product fails to conform to this limited warranty, we will, at your option, furnish replacement product or refund the purchase price. This limited warranty excludes (1) labor or costs of labor for the application or removal of ant product and (2) all other direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages.
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